I am going to add one more post to my blog before I call it a night, as it is very late and I am very tired.
Tonight's topic is going to be bedding, as in what types and brands to use and what not to use. I think I will start by saying this one valuable bit of information so that its very clear to you readers: The pet stores, like Petco and Petsmart, are more interested in selling you a product and making money than they are at keeping your animal healthy and happy. Its their foremost concern. Its understandable to a point, I mean its what a good business should be doing, making sales to profit the business, but within reason. Its when the company starts selling and not considering who they are selling too and what they are selling that it gets to be a problem. I, however, digress. This is a blog dedicated to info, not to bash corporate fat cats. For that, I advise going to a political blog.
Now onto the topic at hand, bedding.
There are many bedding types available. Pine, Cedar, Carefresh, and even shredded paper to name a few. Here is my list on the best and worst beddings to use. I will group them by wood shavings, paper products, and grasses.
Wood Shavings
Pine Shavings
While this is a popular choice among hamster owners for its fresh piney scent, it is the very scent that is the reason this bedding is not suitable. That nice scent you smell comes from oils in the wood. These oils, while indeed fragrant, cause the hamster skin irritation, and over time, hair loss. This causes the hamster to have unnecessary stress and shortens their life overall. Please refrain from using this as a bedding. I know that they sell it at the pet stores, but its just to make money, not for the interest of the pet.
Cedar Shavings
Popular for the same reasons as pine shavings, its fresh and appealing scent. Yet it has those oils that cause the skin irritation and hair loss like pine shavings. Please don't use these either.
Aspen Shavings
A very good choice indeed, and the only type of wood shavings that I am aware of being sold at major pet stores that is okay to use. These particular type of shavings don't have those pesky, skin irritating oils in them and can be used alone or with other acceptable beddings. I don't use them personally but they are used by other top hamster owners and breeders.
Paper Products
When I refer to Carefresh, I am of course, referring to the products made from bits of fluffed cardboard and whatnot. They come in a range of cheerful and attractive colors which pleases the younger crowd, and are soft and comfy for the rodent. It should be advised that this bedding is known to contain mites so be cautious when putting into the cage ( though I have been using this brand for a few years now and have yet to see any mites in my cage or on my hamsters ). I use the Carefresh Ultra brand which is specially designed to absorb odor as well as wick up moisture. I notice that the bedding around the water bottle can sometimes be a tad bit soggy because of this but the pieces are good at holding and keeping in excess moisture.
Shredded Paper
Some people like to use shredded paper from their paper shredder as a bedding. It is both plentiful and cheap as well as readily accessible. However, this type of bedding is poor at absorbing odor and moisture. It also tends to get messy really quickly.
Straw and Hay
Some people like to use straw and hay as bedding if they have it readily available. It smells nice, and offers the hamster a snack as well as as a place to curl up in. It can get moldy quickly though, due to urine and water leaking from the water bottle, so be on the lookout for that. Mold spores can get into the hamster's lungs and cause respiratory complications. It also can cause other problems if ingested.
Natural Soil Beddings
I don't really know much about the type of soils that go into a natural hamster cage, but I do know that they are popular among German and other European countries thereabouts. Maybe a reader can fill us in on that particular subject.
Well that is all that I know about hamster bedding. I don't know much else.
Till next time,
Stay Savvy!!